Température idéale pour des randonnées.
Visite des marais et de monsieur castor, le voyez vous ??
On fait une pause à la carrière ou l'on retrouve attablée Délima "Carrier".
Magnifiques pistes longeant la rivière au travers de boisés et de champs vallonnés.
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RépondreEffacerThank you for posting these pictures, I enjoy viewing them.
RépondreEffacerHi Rob, it is my pleasure to share some of our finding and beautiful view. Maybe it could help to plan futur trip. And it's also a way for me to keep memory's.
EffacerBy the way, thank for pictures you send to me earlier. I'm sure when I'll take time, I could find some in the old souvenir box of my mother.
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RépondreEffacerYes, I'm watching and taking notes for a trip in the future. I must work another 19 months first. My grandfather would always talk about the St. Lawrence River, now I know why because its huge. All of our rivers in Los Angeles and Orange Counties have been turned into concrete channels by the Army Corp of Engineers.