mardi 13 septembre 2016

Le lac Supérieur

Sur notre chemin de retour on découvre le lac Supérieur.  Après quelques jours de temps plus maussade on décide de prendre l'après midi de congé devant cette merveille.

L'eau est attirante et chaude, on enfile le maillot et nous voila dans l'eau.  La température n'est pas si mal mais la vague un peu grosse.

Un coucher de soleil sur l'ouest de l'Ontario.  Dernières photo avant la conclusion.

2 commentaires:

  1. Hi Pierre, those waves in Lake Superior look like they might be big enough to surf on! The campsites you have been visiting are very beautiful much better than anywhere close to my location. Which water is warmer Boya Lake or Lake Superior?

    1. Hello Robert, we stay at Agawa Bay Provincial Park where you found camping adjacent to beach, right across the access road, view is beautiful. Yesterday campground at Rainbow Falls Provincial Park near Rossport is also a good choice. Water here was warmer than what I was expecting for that season and of course Boya Lake near Yukon is more challenging. Big wave was cause by a strong wind on that day follow by a heavy rain during the night.
